LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Let’s Get Your Mini Course DONE AND DUSTED In 4 Weeks, So You Have An Easy Way To Upsell Into Your Other Offers, OR Simply Have a Digital Product Ready To Be SOLD.

Let’s Get Your Mini Course DONE AND DUSTED In 4 Weeks, So You Have An Easy Way To Upsell Into Your Other Offers, OR Simply Have a Digital Product Ready To Be SOLD.

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Is this for you?


🤯 unsure about what the process of structuring your course/coaching program should look like

🤯 no real idea what to sell and to whom, or what content to put in the course

🤯 overwhelmed by the costs, and doesn't feel comfortable paying thousands of $ for a coaching program

...then this opportunity is perfect for you. 

We will take baby steps first to make you feel really comfortable in what you have to offer to the world before you venture into creating a full fletched program.


BONUS: We will even provide free funnels to help you promote and sell your course and reach your target audience.

Is this for you?


🤯 unsure about what the process of structuring your course/coaching program should look like

🤯 no real idea what to sell and to whom, or what content to put in the course

🤯 overwhelmed by the costs, and doesn't feel comfortable paying thousands of $ for a coaching program

...then this opportunity is perfect for you. 

We will take baby steps first to make you feel really comfortable in what you have to offer to the world before you venture into creating a full fletched program.


BONUS: We will even provide free funnels to help you promote and sell your course and reach your target audience.

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

It helps you to get a mini course out there which you can use for many, many different things, such as:

🔮 Sell it as a mini course itself and make money

🔮 Use it as content for your challenges and make even more money

🔮 Use it as bonuses when selling something else to increase conversion rates

🔮 Give it away for free to potential customers so they can get to know you, so you can eventually close the deal

🔮 It helps you to generate fresh leads and increase trust for new people on your list

🔮 It helps you to develop your own skill and become more confident in what you have to offer, which is the entire point of me running this campaign



Because the lack of confidence is 9 out of 10 times the reason people do not launch their business.

So let's get this out of the way, shall we?

It helps you to get a mini course out there which you can use for many, many different things, such as:

🔮 Sell it as a mini course itself and make money

🔮 Use it as content for your challenges and make even more money

🔮 Use it as bonuses when selling something else to increase conversion rates

🔮 Give it away for free to potential customers so they can get to know you, so you can eventually close the deal

🔮 It helps you to generate fresh leads and increase trust for new people on your list

🔮 It helps you to develop your own skill and become more confident in what you have to offer, which is the entire point of me running this campaign



Because the lack of confidence is 9 out of 10 times the reason people do not launch their business.

So let's get this out of the way, shall we?

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Why the heck should you listen to me?

Well, I can get you results, that's for sure (provided you are committed).

I have been in the game for ages and have gotten myself and my clients great results, such as:

🔮 I write for,

🔮 I wrapped up $28k in sales in my first month of doing sales calls,

🔮 I built a 6-figure business organically within the first year of being in business,

🔮 My students have seen 8x their investment back in week #6,

🔮 While others have added $5K MRR to their bottom line.

But it gets even better.

🔮 I enrolled 40 students in one week with one post, all organically,

🔮 I have regular organic 5-figure launches on Facebook, didn't spend money on paid ads or unnecessary tech subscriptions,

🔮 And my students have seen real results too, like signing 7 new clients when launching first time round as a complete beginner without any audience,

🔮 While others increased their customer base by 25%!

Why the heck should you listen to me?

Well, I can get you results, that's for sure (provided you are committed).

I have been in the game for ages and have gotten myself and my clients great results, such as:

🔮 I write for,

🔮 I wrapped up $28k in sales in my first month of doing sales calls,

🔮 I built a 6-figure business organically within the first year of being in business,

🔮 My students have seen 8x their investment back in week #6,

🔮 While others have added $5K MRR to their bottom line.

But it gets even better.

🔮 I enrolled 40 students in one week with one post, all organically,

🔮 I have regular organic 5-figure launches on Facebook, didn't spend money on paid ads or unnecessary tech subscriptions,

🔮 And my students have seen real results too, like signing 7 new clients when launching first time round as a complete beginner without any audience,

🔮 While others increased their customer base by 25%!

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

So, what is in it for you?

In just 4 weeks… you’ll walk away with a profitable course idea/topic for your mini course that you can transform into a bigger course later, that everyone wants to buy + the exact roadmap on how to hit your first 5-figure launch!

So, what is in it for you?

In just 4 weeks… you’ll walk away with a profitable course idea/topic for your mini course that you can transform into a bigger course later, that everyone wants to buy + the exact roadmap on how to hit your first 5-figure launch!

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster...

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster

Does this sound familiar?

Many fail to build a strong foundation in the first place and take step 8 before starting at step 1.

Building a strong foundation is a non-negotiable if you want to create a course/coaching program that
people will rave about, and gets them results.

You can compare it to the scaffold of a house. It’s the ONE thing you build upon and that keeps everything together.

You need to make sure that you follow the right steps right from the start, otherwise your business will fall apart not shortly after you have put in a lot of time, energy and effort trying to make something work that stands on shaky legs.

Let’s build the foundation of your house properly, shall we?

From now on, you can laugh at wasted hours of creating content nobody wants to see if you follow this simple plan.

You can compare it to the scaffold of a house. It’s the ONE thing you build upon and that keeps everything together.

You need to make sure that you follow the right steps right from the start, otherwise your business will fall apart not shortly after you have put in a lot of time, energy and effort trying to make something work that stands on shaky legs.

And what better way to do all that, then with a mini course? Let’s build the foundation of your house properly, shall we?

From now on, you can laugh at wasted hours of creating content nobody wants to see if you follow this simple plan.

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster...

Does this sound familiar?

Many fail to build a strong foundation in the first place and take step 8 before starting at step 1.

Building a strong foundation is a non-negotiable if you want to create a course/coaching program that
people will rave about, and gets them results.

You can compare it to the scaffold of a house. It’s the ONE thing you build upon and that keeps everything together.

You need to make sure that you follow the right steps right from the start, otherwise your business will fall apart not shortly after you have put in a lot of time, energy and effort trying to make something work that stands on shaky legs.

And what better way to do all that, then with a mini course? Let’s build the foundation of your house properly, shall we?

From now on, you can laugh at wasted hours of creating content nobody wants to see if you follow this simple plan.

Imagine you could make money while you sleep.
Wouldn’t that be liberating?

Imagine you could make money while you sleep.
Wouldn’t that be liberating?

“I’ve done a lot of online training and out of all the people that I have done training with, there is only 2 names that stand out to me and really resonated with me and Tina is one of those.” – Suzi

“I’ve done a lot of online training and out of all the people that I have done training with, there is only 2 names that stand out to me and really resonated with me and Tina is one of those.” – Suzi

Are you ready to…

… take your skills, hobby or expertise online and get into a booming $375 billion industry?

… stop exchanging your time for money and increase revenue?

scale your DFY or service business and at the same time reducing working hours?

add recurring revenue to your bank account and stop going from one burnout to the next?

Are you ready to…

… take your skills, hobby or expertise online and get into a booming $375 billion industry?

… stop exchanging your time for money and increase revenue?

scale your DFY or service business and at the same time reducing working hours?

add recurring revenue to your bank account and stop going from one burnout to the next?


You will experience real mindset shifts which may change your life forever.


You will experience real mindset shifts which may change your business forever.

Register on this page to secure your ticket to watch online


You will experience real mindset shifts which may change your life forever.

Register on this page to secure your ticket.

This 4-Weeks Coaching Program Will Help You To:

Easily Start Planning Your Online Course And Validating Your Offer Without Wasting Month of Work Creating a Product Nobody Wants to Buy…

…So You Can Add a Passive Income Stream to Your Business and Make Bank While You Sleep.

And As a Bonus Week, I Will Reveal The Exact Strategies How You Can Reach Your First 5 Figure Launch!

This 4-Weeks Coaching Program Will Help You To:

Easily Start Planning Your Online Course And Validating Your Offer Without Wasting Month of Work Creating a Product Nobody Wants to Buy…

…So You Can Add a Passive Income Stream to Your Business and Make Bank While You Sleep.

And As a Bonus Week, I Will Reveal The Exact Strategies How You Can Reach Your First 5 Figure Launch!

According to Forbes, the e-learning industry will climb to $375 billion by 2025.

Not only do we live in an instant gratification economy, where we want to have products delivered instantly to our inbox (and not doorstep anymore!), but we also demand location-independent freedom from both sides, the consumer and the business perspective.

Give yourself just 4 weeks and benefit from the secret methods and frameworks only the most successful course creators have implemented to create an online course that actually sells.

Add (one or another) passive income stream to your product suite, serve more people on a broader scale and make bank while you sleep.

This coaching program will help you to save countless hours of work every single day and bring in that consistent income stream you have always been looking for – IF you do things differently than everyone else out there.

My promise to you is that you will walk out of this program with a profitable mini course dusted and done that can make you tons of money, and with the exact game plan you need to implement to hit a 5 figure launch with this course idea as well.

According to Forbes, the e-learning industry will climb to $375 billion by 2025.

Not only do we live in an instant gratification economy, where we want to have products delivered instantly to our inbox (and not doorstep anymore!), but we also demand location-independent freedom from both sides, the consumer and the business perspective.

Give yourself just 4 weeks and benefit from the secret methods and frameworks only the most successful course creators have implemented to create an online course that actually sells.

Add (one or another) passive income stream to your product suite, serve more people on a broader scale and make bank while you sleep.

This coaching program will help you to save countless hours of work every single day and bring in that consistent income stream you have always been looking for – IF you do things differently than everyone else out there.

My promise to you is that you will walk out of this program with a profitable mini course dusted and done that can make you tons of money, and with the exact game plan you need to implement to hit a 5 figure launch with this course idea as well.

What is the exact timetable of the program?

What is the exact timetable of the program?

🔮 The Enchanting Course Topic, Discovering Your Dream Students, & Creating A Name And Market Proposition That Casts A Spell On Your Ideal Students And Converts Them Into Loyal Fans

Embark on a mystical journey to unlock your true potential and manifest a mini course idea that will take flight to the land of success.

During this enchanting week, we'll dive deep into the magical realm of ideas and brainstorm all of your wildest dreams for your profitable online course.

Together, we'll conjure up a powerful #1 secret that will help you select THE ONE course topic that is perfectly suited for your mini course and that fits right into your business plan (which we will kind of create if you don't have one as well).

By tapping into this secret, you'll be able to maximize your marketing efforts, reduce your costs, and increase your profits to truly achieve the magic you've been dreaming of.

Many course creators overlook this critical step, but not you - you'll harness the magic of our brainstorming session to discover the most effective and mysterious research methods that will validate your chosen topic and outshine your competition.

With our guidance, you'll create a product that will have people clamoring to enroll, again and again. Prepare to unlock your true magical potential and create the mini online course of your dreams!

You will also embark on a magical journey of discovery as you unlock the secrets to identifying your dream students, where they reside in the mystical realms of the online world, and how to entice them with a market proposition that will capture their hearts and minds. Identifying your dream wizards - the magical beings with whom you'll weave your course creation spells is key.

Explore the mystical forces of the universe and learn how to avoid the costly and exhausting mistake of choosing the wrong customers, as you manifest a smooth and enchanted journey working with your dream customer.

You'll emerge from this week with a crystal clear message that will captivate your audience and banish confusion forevermore.

Having magnetic messaging in place, a clear name and a market proposition, which speaks directly to your ideal student’s desires is key to turning your “visitors” into “paying customers”.

Confused people don’t buy and you will learn the secret formula of how to be “crystal clear”.

Sometimes we feel like we want to help everybody out there...

And this creates a lot of confusion when it comes to marketing.

Prepare to unlock the enchanting power of magnetic messaging as we delve into the mystical realm of crafting a message that will captivate your ideal audience and leave them spellbound.

After this is set in place, you will see things shift in your business.

Clarity is key.

Beware, for the path ahead may be treacherous without this critical step, and you risk being consumed by the dark forces of wasted time and futile effort.

During this enchanting week, we'll dive deep into the magical realm of ideas and brainstorm all of your wildest dreams for your profitable online course.

Together, we'll conjure up a powerful #1 secret that will help you select THE ONE course topic that is perfectly suited for your mini course and that fits right into your business plan (which we will kind of create if you don't have one as well).

By tapping into this secret, you'll be able to maximize your marketing efforts, reduce your costs, and increase your profits to truly achieve the magic you've been dreaming of.

Many course creators overlook this critical step, but not you - you'll harness the magic of our brainstorming session to discover the most effective and mysterious research methods that will validate your chosen topic and outshine your competition.

With our guidance, you'll create a product that will have people clamoring to enroll, again and again. Prepare to unlock your true magical potential and create the mini online course of your dreams!

You will also embark on a magical journey of discovery as you unlock the secrets to identifying your dream students, where they reside in the mystical realms of the online world, and how to entice them with a market proposition that will capture their hearts and minds. Identifying your dream wizards - the magical beings with whom you'll weave your course creation spells is key.

Explore the mystical forces of the universe and learn how to avoid the costly and exhausting mistake of choosing the wrong customers, as you manifest a smooth and enchanted journey working with your dream customer.

You'll emerge from this week with a crystal clear message that will captivate your audience and banish confusion forevermore.

Having magnetic messaging in place, a clear name and a market proposition, which speaks directly to your ideal student’s desires is key to turning your “visitors” into “paying customers”.

Confused people don’t buy and you will learn the secret formula of how to be “crystal clear”.

Sometimes we feel like we want to help everybody out there...

And this creates a lot of confusion when it comes to marketing.

Prepare to unlock the enchanting power of magnetic messaging as we delve into the mystical realm of crafting a message that will captivate your ideal audience and leave them spellbound.

After this is set in place, you will see things shift in your business.

Clarity is key.

Beware, for the path ahead may be treacherous without this critical step, and you risk being consumed by the dark forces of wasted time and futile effort.

🔮 Learn Course Delivery, Content Creation, Filming & Editing Using AI

Unlock The Mystical Art Of Course Creation And Unleash Your Creative Power With The Magic Of Course Delivery, Content Creation, And Filming - Bring Your Vision To Life And Inspire The World With Your Unique Gifts!

🔮 Learn Course Delivery, Content Creation, Filming & Editing Using AI

Unlock The Mystical Art Of Course Creation And Unleash Your Creative Power With The Magic Of Course Delivery, Content Creation, And Filming - Bring Your Vision To Life And Inspire The World With Your Unique Gifts!

Are you ready to unleash your inner magic and create a course that is truly enchanting?

With my secret tips and tricks, you'll be able to create captivating course content within minutes using the power of AI, and effortlessly film and edit your course videos to perfection - as if by magic!

Let me guide you through the mystical art of lighting, sound, and setting, and help you enchant your learners' experience, creating an atmosphere that is truly magical.

But do not fret, dear one, for I shall reveal to you the perfect tools and equipment for filming, editing, and creating additional resources on a budget, without sacrificing the quality of your craft.

So let us combine our magic and bring your course to life, creating an enchanting experience that your students will never forget!

Get ready to tap into your full potential and weave a spellbinding course that will leave your learners in awe.

Are you ready to unleash your inner magic and create a course that is truly enchanting?

With my secret tips and tricks, you'll be able to create captivating course content within minutes using the power of AI, and effortlessly film and edit your course videos to perfection - as if by magic!

Let me guide you through the mystical art of lighting, sound, and setting, and help you enchant your learners' experience, creating an atmosphere that is truly magical.

But do not fret, dear one, for I shall reveal to you the perfect tools and equipment for filming, editing, and creating additional resources on a budget, without sacrificing the quality of your craft.

So let us combine our magic and bring your course to life, creating an enchanting experience that your students will never forget!

Get ready to tap into your full potential and weave a spellbinding course that will leave your learners in awe.

🔮 The Tech Magic: Setting Up Your Membership Site, Sales Pages, Funnels & Email Sequences

Step Into A World Of Wonder And Let The Tech Magic's Membership Site, Sales Pages, And Funnels Cast Their Spell - Unlock Your Full Potential And Achieve Limitless Online Success!

🔮 The Tech Magic: Setting Up Your Membership Site, Sales Pages, Funnels & Email Sequences

Step Into A World Of Wonder And Let The Tech Magic's Membership Site, Sales Pages, And Funnels Cast Their Spell - Unlock Your Full Potential And Achieve Limitless Online Success!

We will also join forces and set up your online school together to ensure a seamless and magical experience for your learners.

We will guide you through the process of creating converting sales pages that will attract and enchant potential students to opt into your course (in fact, you will walk out of this program with having your sales pages set up including copy!).

We will also set up your welcome workflow and entire email sequences that you need to nurture your students when they go through your mini-course.

With our combined magic, we'll help you bring your course to life and create a magical experience that your students will never forget!

We will also join forces and set up your online school together to ensure a seamless and magical experience for your learners.

We will guide you through the process of creating converting sales pages that will attract and enchant potential students to opt into your course (in fact, you will walk out of this program with having your sales pages set up including copy!).

We will also set up your welcome workflow and entire email sequences that you need to nurture your students when they go through your mini-course.

With our combined magic, we'll help you bring your course to life and create a magical experience that your students will never forget!

🔮 How To Hit a 5 Figure Launch & Pre-Sell Your Course Before You Create It

The most popular day of all! Today it's all about the money and about mapping out that plan to finally succeed financially!

Embark on a magical journey towards your 5-figure course launch with this bonus week.

You'll uncover the exact strategies needed to manifest success even if you're starting from scratch, without a single follower or email list, and without spending a dime on paid advertising.

Through dedication and following this proven organic strategy which has helped me to build a 6 -figure business in my first year or being in business, you'll access and unlock the exact secrets to hitting your first 5-figures in just 2 short months, setting the stage for a truly enchanting and profitable course/coaching business.

Are you ready?!

🔮 The Enchanting Course Topic, Discovering Your Dream Students, & Creating A Name And Market Proposition That Casts A Spell On Your Ideal Students And Converts Them Into Loyal Fans

Embark on a mystical journey to unlock your true potential and manifest a mini course idea that will take flight to the land of success.

During this enchanting week, we'll dive deep into the magical realm of ideas and brainstorm all of your wildest dreams for your profitable online course.

Together, we'll conjure up a powerful #1 secret that will help you select THE ONE course topic that is perfectly suited for your mini course and that fits right into your business plan (which we will kind of create if you don't have one as well).

By tapping into this secret, you'll be able to maximize your marketing efforts, reduce your costs, and increase your profits to truly achieve the magic you've been dreaming of.

Many course creators overlook this critical step, but not you - you'll harness the magic of our brainstorming session to discover the most effective and mysterious research methods that will validate your chosen topic and outshine your competition.

With our guidance, you'll create a product that will have people clamoring to enroll, again and again. Prepare to unlock your true magical potential and create the mini online course of your dreams!

You will also embark on a magical journey of discovery as you unlock the secrets to identifying your dream students, where they reside in the mystical realms of the online world, and how to entice them with a market proposition that will capture their hearts and minds. Identifying your dream wizards - the magical beings with whom you'll weave your course creation spells is key.

Explore the mystical forces of the universe and learn how to avoid the costly and exhausting mistake of choosing the wrong customers, as you manifest a smooth and enchanted journey working with your dream customer.

You'll emerge from this week with a crystal clear message that will captivate your audience and banish confusion forevermore.

Having magnetic messaging in place, a clear name and a market proposition, which speaks directly to your ideal student’s desires is key to turning your “visitors” into “paying customers”.

Confused people don’t buy and you will learn the secret formula of how to be “crystal clear”.

Sometimes we feel like we want to help everybody out there...

And this creates a lot of confusion when it comes to marketing.

Prepare to unlock the enchanting power of magnetic messaging as we delve into the mystical realm of crafting a message that will captivate your ideal audience and leave them spellbound.

After this is set in place, you will see things shift in your business.

Clarity is key.

Beware, for the path ahead may be treacherous without this critical step, and you risk being consumed by the dark forces of wasted time and futile effort.

During this enchanting week, we'll dive deep into the magical realm of ideas and brainstorm all of your wildest dreams for your profitable online course.

Together, we'll conjure up a powerful #1 secret that will help you select THE ONE course topic that is perfectly suited for your mini course and that fits right into your business plan (which we will kind of create if you don't have one as well).

By tapping into this secret, you'll be able to maximize your marketing efforts, reduce your costs, and increase your profits to truly achieve the magic you've been dreaming of.

Many course creators overlook this critical step, but not you - you'll harness the magic of our brainstorming session to discover the most effective and mysterious research methods that will validate your chosen topic and outshine your competition.

With our guidance, you'll create a product that will have people clamoring to enroll, again and again. Prepare to unlock your true magical potential and create the mini online course of your dreams!

You will also embark on a magical journey of discovery as you unlock the secrets to identifying your dream students, where they reside in the mystical realms of the online world, and how to entice them with a market proposition that will capture their hearts and minds. Identifying your dream wizards - the magical beings with whom you'll weave your course creation spells is key.

Explore the mystical forces of the universe and learn how to avoid the costly and exhausting mistake of choosing the wrong customers, as you manifest a smooth and enchanted journey working with your dream customer.

You'll emerge from this week with a crystal clear message that will captivate your audience and banish confusion forevermore.

Having magnetic messaging in place, a clear name and a market proposition, which speaks directly to your ideal student’s desires is key to turning your “visitors” into “paying customers”.

Confused people don’t buy and you will learn the secret formula of how to be “crystal clear”.

Sometimes we feel like we want to help everybody out there...

And this creates a lot of confusion when it comes to marketing.

Prepare to unlock the enchanting power of magnetic messaging as we delve into the mystical realm of crafting a message that will captivate your ideal audience and leave them spellbound.

After this is set in place, you will see things shift in your business.

Clarity is key.

Beware, for the path ahead may be treacherous without this critical step, and you risk being consumed by the dark forces of wasted time and futile effort.

🔮 Learn Course Delivery, Content Creation, Filming & Editing Using AI

Unlock The Mystical Art Of Course Creation And Unleash Your Creative Power With The Magic Of Course Delivery, Content Creation, And Filming - Bring Your Vision To Life And Inspire The World With Your Unique Gifts!

Are you ready to unleash your inner magic and create a course that is truly enchanting?

With my secret tips and tricks, you'll be able to create captivating course content within minutes using the power of AI, and effortlessly film and edit your course videos to perfection - as if by magic!

Let me guide you through the mystical art of lighting, sound, and setting, and help you enchant your learners' experience, creating an atmosphere that is truly magical.

But do not fret, dear one, for I shall reveal to you the perfect tools and equipment for filming, editing, and creating additional resources on a budget, without sacrificing the quality of your craft.

So let us combine our magic and bring your course to life, creating an enchanting experience that your students will never forget!

Get ready to tap into your full potential and weave a spellbinding course that will leave your learners in awe.

🔮 The Tech Magic: Setting Up Your Membership Site, Sales Pages, Funnels & Email Sequences

Step Into A World Of Wonder And Let The Tech Magic's Membership Site, Sales Pages, And Funnels Cast Their Spell - Unlock Your Full Potential And Achieve Limitless Online Success!

We will also join forces and set up your online school together to ensure a seamless and magical experience for your learners.

We will guide you through the process of creating converting sales pages that will attract and enchant potential students to opt into your course (in fact, you will walk out of this program with having your sales pages set up including copy!).

We will also set up your welcome workflow and entire email sequences that you need to nurture your students when they go through your mini-course.

With our combined magic, we'll help you bring your course to life and create a magical experience that your students will never forget!

🔮 How To Hit a 5 Figure Launch & Pre-Sell Your Course Before You Create It

The most popular day of all! Today it's all about the money and about mapping out that plan to finally succeed financially!

Embark on a magical journey towards your 5-figure course launch with this bonus week.

You'll uncover the exact strategies needed to manifest success even if you're starting from scratch, without a single follower or email list, and without spending a dime on paid advertising.

Through dedication and following this proven organic strategy which has helped me to build a 6 -figure business in my first year or being in business, you'll access and unlock the exact secrets to hitting your first 5-figures in just 2 short months, setting the stage for a truly enchanting and profitable course/coaching business.

Are you ready?!

Your Host For The Event:

Tina Dahmen - Business Coach & Software Owner

Tina Dahmen is a globally respected entrepreneur mentor, owner of the well-known software Coach Marketing Hub, and host of the summit Online Course Talks.

She has been seen in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Thrive, CEO World Magazine, Addicted to Success, Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, Course Method and many more and is a regular contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine.

FREEDOM is Tina's deepest core value. Financial freedom, location-independent freedom, emotional freedom… you name it.

A few years back, she was completely running in the wrong direction when it comes to her life vision & where she wanted to be.

Your Host For The Event:

Tina Dahmen - Business Coach & Software Owner

Tina Dahmen is a globally respected entrepreneur mentor, owner of the well-known software Coach Marketing Hub, and host of the summit Online Course Talks.

She has been seen in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Thrive, CEO World Magazine, Addicted to Success, Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, Course Method and many more and is a regular contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine.

FREEDOM is Tina's deepest core value. Financial freedom, location-independent freedom, emotional freedom… you name it.

A few years back, she was completely running in the wrong direction when it comes to her life vision & where she wanted to be.

A few months fast forward, she had created a few digital products which allowed her to have a lot more FREEDOM and SECURITY in life.

She can predict sales a lot better, has more TIME for friends and family and can SERVE a much much broader number of people with her EXPERTISE. 

She went from 0 to 5 figures in 2 months only. Profit. 

She found herself running a service-based business which she had lost passion for and which didn’t align with her deepest desires AT ALL.

And she ignored it. She was working all around the clock and barely made any time for friends and family, not even for herself.

She lives on the beautiful island of Bali and didn’t even make time to go to the beach. Ever. Take a guess where this ended up. In a massive burnout, of course.

A few months fast forward, she had created a few digital products which allowed her to have a lot more FREEDOM and SECURITY in life.

She can predict sales a lot better, has more TIME for friends and family and can SERVE a much much broader number of people with her EXPERTISE. 

She went from 0 to 5 figures in 2 months only. Profit. 

She found herself running a service-based business which she had lost passion for and which didn’t align with her deepest desires AT ALL.

And she ignored it. She was working all around the clock and barely made any time for friends and family, not even for herself.

She lives on the beautiful island of Bali and didn’t even make time to go to the beach. Ever. Take a guess where this ended up. In a massive burnout, of course.

It’s absolutely necessary to have a strong foundation set in place and recurring and (almost) passive income stream added to your business, utilizing the power of online courses.

Let’s make this foundation a very strong one click on the button below and sign up for the Course Creation Challenge now!

And from 0 to 6 figures in 12 months.

Also Profit.


This is more money than Tina had made with her previous business in a year (profit).

She went from a high revenue and low-profit margin to high revenue AND high-profit margins.

It’s absolutely necessary to have a strong foundation set in place and recurring and (almost) passive income stream added to your business, utilizing the power of online courses.

Let’s make this foundation a very strong one click on the button below and sign up for the Course Creation Challenge now!

And from 0 to 6 figures in 12 months.

Also Profit.


This is more money than Tina had made with her previous business in a year (profit).

She went from a high revenue and low-profit margin to high revenue AND high-profit margins.

What's included?

  • (Optional) 4 weeks of coaching with Tina Dahmen ($1,200 Value) (Yearly users of CMH only, please refer to the FAQ section below)

  • Free sales funnel built with you, including sales page, workflows, delivery emails, tagging, and automatic enrollment set up once someone purchases your course ($1,800 Value)

  • 4 weeks of quality content ($1,200 Value)

BONUS: FREE TRIAL on Coach Marketing Hub: The all in one (and ONLY) marketing platform for course creators you will ever need ($25 Value)

Total Value:  $4,225

Do YOU Accept?

For Only $497

What's included?

  • (Optional) 4 weeks of coaching with Tina Dahmen ($1,200 Value) (Yearly users of CMH only, please refer to the FAQ section below)

  • Free sales funnel built with you, including sales page, workflows, delivery emails, tagging, and automatic enrollment set up once someone purchases your course ($1,800 Value)

  • 4 weeks of quality content ($1,200 Value)

BONUS: FREE TRIAL on Coach Marketing Hub: The all in one (and ONLY) marketing platform for course creators you will ever need ($25 Value)

Total Value:  $4,225

Do YOU Accept?

For Only $497

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for me, even if I don't have a following anywhere?

Absolutely yes! That’s how I started and that’s how everyone else starts, too! 

What software do you use to provide the funnels and sequences?

We use Coach Marketing Hub (CMH) to provide all the funnels, email sequences, sales pages, etc. If you already use another software, we encourage you do switch over to CMH. But if you don't want to switch, you just have to build the funnels on your own software yourself. I bet CMH is better than your current software anyway!

Will I get access to Tina?

Yes, those who select the YEARLY plan on are able to get PRIVATE access to me via FB messenger to ask any questions for an entire month. For those who select the monthly plan, you will be able to watch the teaching videos only. You will not have access to Tina on Facebook for any kind of feedback. Everyone will get access to our tech support team to submit tickets in case they are facing any issues.

How do I know I'll really be able to come up with a course idea that sells in only four weeks?

I will teach you how to do that via my unique 5-3-1 method, utilizing different validation strategies. It’s impossible not to nail down the ONE idea that a) is super profitable and b) you are ultra passionate about. You will know this already in the first few days of being in the program.

I have no idea how to run Facebook ads, will I be able to get to 6 figures anyway?!

And you don’t need to in order to hit $100k/ year. The strategies that I will share with you in this challenge are ALL organic (unpaid) marketing strategies, so you don’t need to spend a dime on advertisement! In fact, I don’t recommend running ads, unless you are above $10k/month. 

I am not tech-savvy at all- what now?!

You don’t need to use any tech! We will provide all the funnels you will need, pre-build, so your tech journey goes as smooth as possible.

Strict refund policy

Due to the nature of digital products and SAAS we are unable to assist with any refund request.

What currency is the $100 deposit?


Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for me, even if I don't have a following anywhere?

Absolutely yes! That’s how I started and that’s how everyone else starts, too! 

What software do you use to provide the funnels and sequences?

We use Coach Marketing Hub (CMH) to provide all the funnels, email sequences, sales pages, etc. If you already use another software, we encourage you do switch over to CMH. But if you don't want to switch, you just have to build the funnels on your own software yourself. I bet CMH is better than your current software anyway!

Will I get access to Tina?

Yes, those who select the YEARLY plan on are able to get PRIVATE access to me via FB messenger to ask any questions for an entire month. For those who select the monthly plan, you will be able to watch the teaching videos only. You will not have access to Tina on Facebook for any kind of feedback. Everyone will get access to our tech support team to submit tickets in case they are facing any issues.

How do I know I'll really be able to come up with a course idea that sells in only four weeks?

I will teach you how to do that via my unique 5-3-1 method, utilizing different validation strategies. It’s impossible not to nail down the ONE idea that a) is super profitable and b) you are ultra passionate about. You will know this already in the first few days of being in the program.

I have no idea how to run Facebook ads, will I be able to get to 6 figures anyway?!

And you don’t need to in order to hit $100k/ year. The strategies that I will share with you in this challenge are ALL organic (unpaid) marketing strategies, so you don’t need to spend a dime on advertisement! In fact, I don’t recommend running ads, unless you are above $10k/month. 

I am not tech-savvy at all- what now?!

You don’t need to use any tech! We will provide all the funnels you will need, pre-build, so your tech journey goes as smooth as possible.

Strict refund policy

Due to the nature of digital products and SAAS we are unable to assist with any refund request.

What Others Have To Say About Tina's Events

What Others Have To Say About Tina's Events



– Value $500 –

We’ve got a lot to cover during the 5-day SMART Challenge. So, we’re going to move fast.

That’s why, in order to make sure you’re fully prepared, we’ve put together this special online video training package.

Inside this video training package, you’ll discover ...

  • ​How To Build A Business That Scales
  • ​The Crisis Triangle – 12 Ways To Grow Your Business During A Global Crisis
  • ​The Most Important Skill In Business (It’s Not What You Think)
  • ​How To Build Your Business So It Can Run Without You and Scale
  • ​The Greatest Money Making Model In The 21st Century
  • ​How To Scale Your Business To 8 Figures (Building A Battleship)
  • The One Thing You Can Do To Grow Your Business And Sales Faster
  • How I Hire And Build A High-Performance Team
This special SMART Preparation Bonus Bundle is easily worth $997. But you’ll get it for FREE. And it will be waiting for you as soon as you join the challenge.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Copyright © Dahmen Consulting OÜ. All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Copyright © Dahmen Consulting OÜ. All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, remember: You’re closer than you think.

Join The Mini Course Magic NOW or be left behind in the dust forever.

Join The Mini Course Magic NOW or be left behind in the dust forever.